We had a busy month welcoming visitors at our Open Day, hosting a number of international visitors, and Marilyn was awarded the Business/Higher Education Round Table (BHERT) award for Leadership in Collaboration.
Another PhD candidate joined our team
We welcomed our new affiliate PhD candidate Yuwen Ma. Yuwen holds Bachelor and Masters degrees of early childhood education from Nanjing Normal University, China.
Monash University Open Day
Our team had a great time preparing for Open Day and welcoming high school students and their families. Our visitors enjoyed a set of engaging activities for STEM teaching and learning in the early years.
PlayLab visitors
We welcomed international scholars to the PlayLab to discuss and share ideas about early childhood STEM education through play and imagination, and about transitions between preschool to primary school as well as from families to school. Our visitors included: Dr. Sunanta Klibthong and her colleagues from Mahidol University, Thailand; Professor Hsin-Kai Wu and Assistant Professor Ching-Ting Hsin from the National Tsing Hua University and the Graduate Institute of Science Education in Taiwain; and PhD candidate Maja Højslet Schürer, from Institution of Learning, Aalborg University, Denmark.
We are very pleased to be establishing a sustainable relationship between playgroups and the Conceptual PlayLab! Dr. Joanne Tarasuik, Playgroups Victoria Research Manager, and Deborah Njegac, Playgroups Victoria Manager Practice and Advocacy, were welcomed to our Lab. Together we explored the opportunity to collaborate in inspiring STEM engagement for Victorian families.
Our newsletter contains further details.
We would love to hear from you about what this research means to you and if you would like to get involved.
If you are an early childhood educator who would like to have an opportunity to participate in the Conceptual PlayLab research activities in the future, you can register your interest and join our private Facebook group - Conceptual PlayWorlds for Educators. You can also access free resources for educators.
If you are a parent who would like to have an opportunity to participate in the Conceptual PlayLab research activities in the future, you can register your interest. You can also access free resources for families.
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