30 October 2020

Our new Conceptual PlayWorld app has launched!

How do we develop scientific curiosity, mathematical logic & design and engineering thinking in young children?

As you have read on our webpage, the Conceptual PlayWorld is a new way to help children form concepts in STEM. It’s based on world-class research and designed around play.

Both parents and educators can use the model to create a new world based on a beloved story. 

In these imaginary worlds, adults and children take journeys, navigate challenges and solve problems.

It’s a new idea, and to support the process, we have launched a new app! This app has been developed in partnership with Moses Wan and Jonathan Li from the Faculty of Engineering at Monash, and Dasha Spasojevic, Tom Morgan and Jason Crow from Monash Art Design and Architecture. It is 100% free, and is designed to help you learn and experience world-class research for yourself.

The photos below show Marilyn with Professor Elizabeth Croft, Dean of Monash Engineering; Moses Wan, Conceptual PlayWorld app developer; and Marilyn with Dr. Jonathan Li, Senior Lecturer/Associate Dean Education at Monash Engineering. 

Conceptual PlayWorld app to support educators and families

This app helps you plan and implement a PlayWorld through your smartphone. It can be used in the family-home setting, just as successfully as in the classroom or early childhood settings.

This is what you will see when you open up the app.

The Conceptual PlayWorld App is your trusty companion when creating imaginary play scenarios. It helps you design a world where children are invited to go with you on exploratory journeys, navigate challenges and solve problems. 

Watch our video for further details on this app and other apps that are coming soon.

Coming soon!

Conceptual PlayWorld app in VR to support families

We also have another app which gives you the immersive experience of a PlayWorld through virtual reality.

The application’s home base is a family home.

For first time users, there is a complete tutorial. It takes the user through the app, allowing them to try each type of interaction. The tutorial is always available for the user to return to at any point.

Once the user has an understanding of the theory, they are able to immediately experience a Conceptual PlayWorld in action, through 360 degrees footage.

The main room contains 3 doors, with each door dedicated to a step in creating a Conceptual PlayWorld.

Behind the doors, you’ll find interactive scenes that contain animations, pop-ups and even the option for the user to experience the footage from a adult’s height, or at a child’s perspective.

And finally, back in the main room, there is a TV screen where the user can access the latest videos that show a range of Conceptual PlayWorlds in action. Examples can be seen of infants, toddlers, preschoolers, and even school age children with their educators going on STEM journeys.

At this point, the app has been used in live demonstrations, and, through testing as well as feedback, all our apps will continue to improve.

Under development

Also under development is an Augmented Reality app to support children's understanding of spatial relations.

For more details, please see our newsletter.


We would love to hear from you about what this research means to you and if you would like to get involved.

If you are an early childhood educator who would like to have an opportunity to participate in the Conceptual PlayLab research activities in the future, you can register your interest and join our private Facebook group - Conceptual PlayWorlds for Educators. You can also access free resources for educators

If you are a parent who would like to have an opportunity to participate in the Conceptual PlayLab research activities in the future, you can register your interest. You can also access free resources for families.

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