The Monash PlayLab and Early Childhood Australia (ECA) are working together to support the Year of Play. We want to hear your thoughts through a very short survey (approximately five minutes). The outcomes of the survey will contribute important insights into how the sector engages with play and provide guidance for the development of resources and activities as we celebrate the Year of Play.
There are no right or wrong answers. Your responses will be kept
strictly confidential, and no individual or service/school will be
identifiable. When you respond to the survey on play, and say what kind of
service you are in, we will then give you the opportunity to receive a summary
of the models of play which you can use to self-assess or use to support your
You will also have the option to sign up for free professional
development through the Monash PlayLab or further connect to ECA’s Year of
Please follow this link to participate in our survey:
We look forward to your responses!
Laureate Prof. Marilyn Fleer, Dr Anne Suryani and Dr Kate Highfield
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