In this post we present highlights from our latest Conceptual PlayWorlds PD.
Conceptual PlayWorld PD highlights
It was wonderful to see participants’
high levels of engagement with the program. They also worked together to
investigate how Conceptual PlayWorld (CPW) can be adapted into the Indonesian
context by using well-known local storybooks to teach STEM ideas to young
children. For example, participants shared ideas on how CPW can be used to
teach children about current environmental issues such as flooding, which is
common in Indonesia.
According to Dr Kurniati, “CPW’s planning proforma is easy to
understand and will be very helpful for our future teachers wherever they teach.
Thank you to Professor Fleer, Dr Anne Suryani, Ms Oriana Ramunno, and Dr Taj
Johora for organising these Zoom PD sessions for us. We look forward to further
collaboration with PlayLab”.
- Balancing play and science learning - developing children's scientific learning in the classroom through imaginary play
- Promoting Chinese children's agency in science learning: Conceptual PlayWorld as a new play practice
- The dialectical relation of real and digital Conceptual PlayWorlds in Family Day Care