18 May 2020

The Conceptual PLayLab - exciting news - one year on

After spending the summer focussed on analysing our research data, writing research papers and planning our study designs for 2020, the PlayLab is again open!

Two more PhD students joined our team

Our new scholarship holders PhD students Gillian O’ Connor and Marija Sliogeris are warmly welcomed to the Conceptual PlayLab!  Gillian has a background in psychology and education. As part of the Conceptual PlayLab, Gillian’s research will follow the pathways of STEM concept formation in Early Years.  

Marija has a background as a primary school and special education teacher. Marija’s research with the Conceptual PlayLab, will focus on educators’ professional development as they build their own conceptual understandings of play and learning in STEM, and put these into practice.

Public presentation: Reimagining early childhood for the 21st century: one year on, findings from the Conceptual PlayLab

Marilyn and the team are delighted to invite you to join us on 13th May as we reveal our findings one year on from the launch of the Conceptual PlayLab.  Come and find out what the 21st century holds in store for early childhood STEM education.

Date:  Wednesday 13 May 2020
Time:  6:30pm – 8:00pm

This event is fully online via live stream and is free, but registration is essential. (link removed as event has passed)

Post event update - the video is now available here.

Continuing our collaboration with different organisations to nurture STEM interests in every young child

Keeping our research connected and accessible to the local community is a priority for the Conceptual PlayLab. We welcomed groups from Royal Botanic Gardens and representatives from the City of Casey. 

We also participated in a podcast with Playgroup Victoria. Their series of podcasts inspires families to create engaging settings for children’s learning and development of STEM in the home through play and imagination.

It is important to establish these synergies within informal settings to encourage a love of STEM for every young child!

South Australia Department of Education

Marilyn and Glykeria attended Adelaide’s Education Leaders’ Day 2020. Thank you to Department of Education, Government of South Australia, for inviting Conceptual PlayLab to attend this event.
Marilyn and Glykeria hosted a Deeper Learning Masterclass and a Rapid Upskill Masterclass, focusing on advancing the quality of teaching and the impact for learning in Early Childhood Settings in SA. The event was a fabulous resource of inspiration for Education Leaders! New insights were given about the connection between everyday concept and scientific concepts and a refreshing professional learning experience about play- based learning in STEM. The Masterclass ended up with one of the participants mentioning that “Three little pigs, will never be the same again!”

Working with the Victorian Government and Department of Education and Training

We welcomed Jen Nicholls, Manager and Fiona McClure from the Victorian DET to the PlayLab, where we explored a shared vision and pioneered conversations towards establishing a strong early childhood educational system in Victoria, for all children from birth to eight years! 

A professional video for the Victorian Government and the Department of Education and Training was created by Marilyn and the Conceptual PlayLab to support pioneering work introducing 3-year-old kindergarten programs in Victoria.  An extra year of play-based learning is added to Victorian children’s education! This video has been designed to support leaders in strengthening understandings and supporting them in the important work they do in leading teams. The video is part of a series of videos produced by DET. This particular video gives
  • a brief overview of the latest thinking about child development
  • Highlights new thinking about play and learning
  • Presents an evidence-based model of practice for supporting the work of educators working in multi-age groups settings – called Conceptual PlayWorlds.

Our newsletter contains further details.

We would love to hear from you about what this research means to you and if you would like to get involved.

If you are an early childhood educator who would like to have an opportunity to participate in the Conceptual PlayLab research activities in the future, you can register your interest and join our private Facebook group - Conceptual PlayWorlds for Educators. You can also access free resources for educators, including our STEM PlayWorlds for Infants and Toddlers video

If you are a parent who would like to have an opportunity to participate in the Conceptual PlayLab research activities in the future, you can register your interest. You can also access free resources for families.

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