14 December 2020

The PlayLab celebrates 2020

What a year 2020 has been! We ended the year with a remote celebration and hosted a joint PhD event with the KINDknow Centre, Western Norway University of Applied Sciences. Marilyn, Prabhat and Glykeria delivered their keynote at the Early Childhood Voices 2020 Conference, and we published more research papers.

Joint PhD event with the KINDknow Centre, Western Norway University of Applied Sciences
The Conceptual PlayLab, Monash University held a joint PhD event with KINDknow Centre, Western Norway University of Applied Sciences to promote international collaborations, networking and the building of research leadership.

Over two days in late November, we focussed on the cultural-historical concept of "crisis" and how it can be theoretically discussed and methodologically used in empirical research in diverse ways.

We were grateful to Associate Professor Alicja R. Sadownik, of Western Norway University of Applied Sciences and Kindergarten Knowledge Center for Systemic Research on Diversity and Sustainable Futures, for her keynote presentation on Research as an arena for migrant families’ dealing with crises of transitions to ECEC in another socio-cultural context, and to Drs. Glykeria Fragkiadaki and Prabhat Rai, of the Conceptual PlayLab, Monash University,for their keynote presentation on  Collective imagination and concept formation in play.

The PhD students also got more experience presenting their work and receiving feedback in a collegial and supportive environment, as well as being exposed to, and learning from each other's work.

Early Childhood Voices Conference Keynote
Marilyn, Glykeria and Prabhat presented one of the keynotes at the Early Childhood Voices Conference 2020, which was virtually organised by Charles Sturt University. The keynote focussed on how to create new research models for supporting early childhood research. The presentation is available here.

Latest papers
Our latest papers are now available online with open access.
2) Programmatic research in the Conceptual PlayLab: STEM PlayWorld as an educational experiment and as a source of development. Subscribe to the journal for free to access the paper.

You can also access our latest working papers from the Conceptual PlayLab publications page.

We wish you a wonderful end of year break with your friends and family. See you in an even bigger 2021!

See our newsletter for further details.


If you are an early childhood educator who would like to have an opportunity to participate in the Conceptual PlayLab research activities in the future, you can register your interest and join our private Facebook group - Conceptual PlayWorlds for Educators. You can also access free resources for educators

If you are a parent who would like to have an opportunity to participate in the Conceptual PlayLab research activities in the future, you can register your interest. You can also access free resources for families.

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