The PlayLab Podcast
We're so excited that the PlayLab Podcast officially launched on October 4! The Podcast, hosted by Monash PlayLab Director Laureate Professor Marilyn Fleer, shares the most up to date findings from our research and deep dives into the evidence-based model of Conceptual PlayWorlds for the intentional teaching of STEM concepts in the early years of childhood.
In the first episode, we introduce listeners to the research of the Conceptual PlayLab and touch on the story of how it all began. Each episode features a member of our team and an interview with Conceptual PlayWorld STEM champions who have personal experience with the model. The episodes include:
- Welcome to the PlayLab Podcast
- Conceptual PlayWorlds for Families
- The Educator’s perspective and opening opportunities for young girls in STEM
- Infants and toddlers, and how they experience STEM
National Science Week Public Event - Innovating in early childhood: STEM learning
To celebrate National Science Week in August, the Conceptual PlayLab's Marilyn Fleer, Prabhat Rai and PhD student Sharon McCormack showcased innovative digital tools to enhance meaningful sharing between children and their families and early childhood educators, which was live streamed on 17 August 2021. Marilyn showcased research into family day care educators, Prabhat discussed digital innovations in family homes and Sharon shared her study design to reach families through the Facebook platform.
The video has been viewed 1,086 times on YouTube. You can watch it here.
In our last update, we reported that Tanya Stephenson submitted her thesis for examination! Tanya is now officially Dr. Tanya Stephenson and she has joined the PlayLab as Postdoctoral Research Fellow! Tanya is the first Kathleen Fitzpatrick ARC Laureate scholarship holder to complete her PhD with the Conceptual PlayLab. She is passionate about advancing early childhood STEM education. Her doctoral research focused on early childhood teacher professional development, particularly teacher practices to encourage girls in STEM. Her research interests include early childhood education, STEM education, educational equity, curriculum and policy, educational psychology and teacher professional development.
Another student, Xianyu Meng, has submitted her thesis for examination!
Sharing our research
We are continuing to share our research and findings with educators, families, policy makers and fellow researchers.
ECA National Conference 2021 - Young Citizens: the right to play, learn and be heard
We were proud to be part of ECA National Conference 2021, which brought together 1500 professionals discussing key issues in early childhood education over three days 7-9 September 2021.
Marilyn and Prabhat presented an overview of what we have learned from studying a broad range of Conceptual PlayWorlds in different early childhood settings. Over 500 people attended the presentation.
Marilyn also took part in the Play Statement, presenting on what we know about the research into play and was on the panel talking about children's rights.
Latest papers
We are excited to share our latest publication - “You Can be Whatever You Want to be!”: Transforming Teacher Practices to Support Girls’ STEM Engagement.
Published in the Early Childhood Education Journal, this paper explores how the STEM education practices of early childhood teachers change and develop through the Conceptual PlayWorld model towards actively supporting girls’ STEM engagement. An important consideration that contributes towards increasing the number of girls and women in future STEM-related careers.
Read more here:
You can also access our latest working papers from the Conceptual PlayLab publications page.
If you are an early childhood educator who would like to have an opportunity to participate in the Conceptual PlayLab research activities in the future, you can register your interest and join our private Facebook group - Conceptual PlayWorlds for Educators. You can also access free resources for educators.
If you are a parent who would like to have an opportunity to participate in the Conceptual PlayLab research activities in the future, you can register your interest. You can also access free resources for families.
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